Ten simple techniques to combat forgetfulness

Ten simple techniques to combat forgetfulness

Do you worry about forgetting to do a particular task or not being able to recollect names or come up with the right word at the right time during a conversation, or even being mentally absent during a social gathering? Well, you're not alone. It's a normal part of ageing. What is crucial, however, is to understand the difference between usual age-related memory lapses and red flags that would require medical intervention.

Not being able to recollect names sometimes is a minor issue, while losing your way in familiar places could indicate something more serious. Similarly, neglecting to pay your bill once in a while or not being able to remember the day and date briefly is okay, but struggling to manage daily tasks because you can't seem to remember the why and how of it suggests you should seek medical help.

Combating age-related forgetfulness is easier than it might seem. With some techniques, care and effort, one can even manage symptoms of MCI (Mild Cognitive Impairment).

Here are ten simple tips and techniques to maintain a healthy and sharp mind:

1. Organize and follow a routine
We are creatures of habit. The mind and body respond well to predictable patterns. So, create a daily routine that doesn't vary too often. Be sure to mark the important dates on the calendar. Organize your belongings and make it a habit to place them in their designated areas all the time.

2. Ensure good rest
The need for sleep and the duration diminishes as we grow older. However, a restful state of at least 8 hours will ensure that the mind remains alert. If you have trouble sleeping or worry too much, try relaxing methods like a warm bath before bed or short meditation ritual to help you calm down.

3. Maintain an active lifestyle
While it is not advisable to have a choc-a-block calendar, hopping from one activity to another, having a schedule that keeps you physically and mentally active is beneficial. That way, you also ensure you do not slip into a passive mode- a usual culprit for insomnia.

4. Cultivate hobbies
Any activity that enlivens your mood works wonders for mental health. Writing, gardening, listening to music, dancing, cooking, the list is endless: pick anything that makes you happy and keeps you engaged.

5. Give your brain something to chew
The best way to keep the brain healthy is to challenge it with newer skills. The skill doesn't have to be academic or goal-oriented. You can learn a new recipe, figure out a new App, or solve word puzzles, Sudoku or crosswords that appear in the newspapers.

6. Avoid multitasking
Contrary to popular belief, it is not wise or proof of smartness to accomplish many tasks simultaneously. The brain works more efficiently when it focuses on one activity at a time. So, allow sufficient time for every chore and bask in its fulfilment.

7. Create to-do lists
Keep notepads, post-its, and whiteboards ready and handy at various locations at home and in your wallet or handbag. Keep jotting down whatever you need to purchase or do during the day. That way, you minimize the chances of forgetting.

8. Socialize
Take time out each day to meet and talk to people apart from family. Social conversations are a key to mental happiness. We are social creatures, and our brains can benefit from healthy discussions, debates, and friendly banter.

9. Chanting and meditation
Stress, anxiety, and depressive moods contribute to a failing memory. Chanting a mantra, awareness of the breath, and meditation techniques help to calm and soothe the mind.

10. Laugh your worries away
The famous adage isn't without a solid reason. A positive outlook towards life and an easy-going attitude helps to unburden tension. Often, when we are relaxed, we can recollect information better.

Did you like these tips? Do you follow a technique that helps you with your memory? We would love to know!